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"I, Robot"

I generally like to let my paintings and drawings speak for themselves, and viewers often prefer to provide their own narrative anyway(!) but, with this update to the website , I've added a few brief descriptions for the pieces I've been asked about most.

I've also divided the work into three galleries:

Oil Paintings (including mixed media)

Charcoals and Drawings

Ink & Watercolour


For all prices, click <here>

Oil Paintings

My oil paintings and mixed media are influenced particularly by Cubism and even the less abstract ones are very much influenced by art from the period 1880 - 1920, which I think was a truly golden era for innovation in both commercial art (e.g. Lautrec, Mucha) and fine art  (Picasso, Braque).


Although using charcoal is often regarded as drawing, I actually find using charcoal is much more reminiscent of painting.

Unlike the oil paintings which tend to be Cubist or abstract, my charcoal work ​nearly always tends towards realism. I'm not sure why this is, it's never been a conscious decision...

Ink and Watercolour

In 2024, just for a change, I started using ink and watercolour. Still not sure where this might go...!


I try to paint what I want at the time, so producing individual pictures means a totally consistent style or theme hasn't really emerged. This is two edged - not painting the same type of thing every time keeps things fresh, but I do feel I've not really developed a  recognisably coherent ouvre.

Anyway, during lockdown, and for the first time, I decided to produce a collection, where the individual works would contribute to something greater than the sum of its parts. I was also missing life drawing and so 'Executive Bored' was underway.


I usually describe the Executive Bored collection as, "Academic or scientific research paper meets monotone office calendar promoting plumbing hardware, as interpreted by staff at the office Christmas party". Plans were made to hold the exhibition in an actual office. But Covid then occurred.

'Executive Bored' instigated a smaller colour collection, "Whiteout" in ink and oil paint.

These collections are ongoing, so an exhibition in an office may yet still happen...

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